If you're interested in a more passive approach to earning TAKE, you can add to the TAKE/DAI LP on SpookySwap and stake it in one of Takepile's LP Vaults. There are several vaults on Takepile, each with their own emissions rate:

  • No-Lockup Period Vault (1x Emissions)

  • 7-30 Day Lockup Period Vault (2x Emissions)

  • 31-90 Day Lockup Period Vault (3x Emissions)

  • 91-180 Day Lockup Period Vault (4x Emissions)

Each tier of vault will have its own slider for you to choose the exact number of days for which you want to lock your LP tokens. Once locked, you can claim TAKE once every 7 days after the initial deposit. The claims timer resets upon each deposit. For example, if you wanted to lock your TAKE/DAI LP tokens for 50 days, you'd input 50 days before locking your LP tokens. Your tokens can be withdrawn after 50 days, and you'll receive a 3x multiplier on TAKE emissions.

Returns are calculated based upon number of tokens deposited rather than the market value of the deposit. The same amount of TAKE will be rewarded regardless of TAKE's market value.

Last updated